Los proveedores de Serafín fueron una tríada entre Supermicro, AMD y MultiTech. El caso fue tan importante para ellos que sacaron un whitepaper contando el caso de éxito.
Algunas apostillas del informe:
«We are glad to see how Supermicro and AMD have a strong
momentum in the R&D and HPC areas in Argentina,»
– Diego Lavalle, CEO Multitech Argentina, Supermicro local distributor.
“On the AMD side with our EPYC server processor, the challenge posed
by the UNC led us to work with Supermicro and Multitech, on an HPC
platform that will deliver the best teraflop-per-dollar ratio in the market,
and also allow us to support the development of the scientific
community of Argentina and the region.”
Juan Moscoso, Regional Datacenter Sales, AMD
«We knew we had a limited budget, and we also knew this was a one-in-
five-years opportunity of financial support. Supermicro and AMD
together provided us with outstanding value for the money. We bought
50% more processing power of what we originally envisioned.»
-Oscar Reula, PhD,CCAD HPC Center Director, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.